Check dis out. Japanese researchers managed to film a live giant squid, a third of a kilometer beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The elusive creatures have never before been caught on tape.

Modern-day scientists on their own Moby Dick-style search used a submersible todescend to the dark and cold depths of the northern Pacific Ocean, where at around 630metres (2,066 feet) they managed to film a three-metre specimen. After around 100 missions, during which they spent 400 hours in the crampedsubmarine, the three-man crew tracked the creature from a spot some 15 kilometres (nine miles) east of Chichi island in the north Pacific.“Researchers around the world have tried to film giant squid in their natural habitats, but all attempts were in vain before,” Kubodera said. “With this footage we hope to discover more about the life of the species,” he said, adding that he planned to publish his findings soon.