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Ruth Flowers is certainly not your typical grandmother. At 69, Flowers is a real phenomenon and the latest sensation on the European nightclub scene.
69-year-old Ruth Flowers is a big deal on the European nightclub scene.Wearing large black sunglasses (a fashion statement, there is nothing wrong with her eyesight), flashy clothes, bling jewelry, fake diamond-incrusted DJ headphones on her white hair, the British granny makes crowds go wild, spinning records behind the decks of the most prestigious nightclubs in Paris, Cannes and other European cities.
DJ Ruth Flowers, a.k.a Mamy Rock, began her new career when, four years ago, she attended her grandson's birthday party. "Kids don't play games anymore. They have discos after they eat," she told ABC News.
draw every person in New York. I will be drawing people everyday and posting as frequently as I can. It is possible that I will draw you without you knowing it. I draw in Subway stations and museums and restaurants and on street corners. I try not to be in the way when I am drawing or be too noticeable. Whenever I have a new batch of drawings I will post them on this blog. If you would like to increase the chances of a portrait of YOU appearing on this blog please email me (art@jasonpolan.com) a street corner or other public place that you will be standing at for a duration of two minutes (I will be on the corner of 14th street and 8th avenue on the North-east corner of the street from 2:42-2:44pm this Thursday wearing a bright yellow jacket and navy rubber boots, for example). Please give me more than a 24 hour warning and please make it a scenario that is not too difficult for you to accomplish (the corner outside of the store you work at during lunch time, or in front of a museum you were going to go to on a Saturday) because I may unfortunately miss you and do not want you to have to invest more than 2 minutes of your time in case I cannot make it.You can follow Jason's progress at his website, here.
Combining Robert Morris' Box With the Sound of Its Own Making with Baudrillard's writing
on the art auction this sculpture exists in eternal transactional flux. It is a physical sculpture that is perpetually attempting to auction itself on eBay.
Every ten minutes the black box pings a server on the internet via the ethernet connection to check if it is for sale on the eBay. If its auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself.
If a person buys it on eBay, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. The new owner must then plug it into ethernet, and the cycle repeats itself.
The sculpture, entitled "A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter", recently sold on eBay for $6,350.00 and is now being shipped to its next "owner".
You can read more here.
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