Talk about an embarrassing clerical error:
Pennsylvania government authorities admitted they mistakenly sent out more than 14,000 military draft notification letters to men who were born between 1893 and 1897, calling it a "serious" glitch at the hands of a computer inputting error.The notices from the Selective Service System were mailed to at least 14,250 men born more than a century ago -- all believed to be dead -- warning them that failure to register is "punishable by a fine and imprisonment," The Associated Press reported."I said, 'Geez, what the hell is this about?' " said Chuck Huey, 73, about the notice he received that was addressed to his late grandfather, Bert Huey, who was born in 1894, served in World War I, then died in 1995 at the age of 100, AP reported.
Oops! What I wonder, though, is how many of those addresses were correct. Did many of them go to the men's descendants? How many of the 14,000 were no longer legitimate mailing addresses at all? At any rate, you can read the full article here.

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