Here's an unusual - and apparently effective - fundraising strategy:
I have to admit - if I were solicited by a horse, I would be hard-pressed to resist making a donation. You can read the full story here.Tinker may be miniature -- as in a miniature horse -- but he's a big money raiser for the Salvation Army.He uses his mouth to hold and ring a red bell, and he picks up with his mouth a "Thank You Merry Christmas" sign. He can also bow and give kisses.Major Roger Ross, a Salvation Army commander, said Tinker is one of their biggest money raisers in the area: He brings in 10 times the amount of a regular bell ringer."A good kettle for a couple of hours brings in about $250, and for the same time period (Tinker and his owners) have been known to bring in $2,500," he said. "They line up to put money in the kettle."The 13-year-old horse, who's brown, black, grey and white, has been ringing for four seasons.

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