Here's your daily odd tidbit, sourced by Wikipedia. Out in space there exists a giant bubble of nothing - huge, statistically-unlikely emptiness. Astronomers have dubbed it the Boötes
void (after the constellation Boötes), or the Great Void. Read on:

English: A map of the Boötes void. Credits: Powell, Richard. Atlas of the Universe Copyrights information: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You can check out the original page here.The Boötes void or the Great Void is a huge and approximately spherically shaped region of space, containing very few galaxies. At nearly 250 million light-years in diameter(approximately 0.27% of the diameter of the visible universe), or nearly 236,000 Mpc3 in volume, the Boötes void is one of the largest known voids in the universe, and is referred to as a supervoid. The center of the Boötes void is approximately 700 million light years from Earth. According to astronomer Greg Aldering, the scale of the void is such that "If the Milky Way had been in the center of the Boötes void, we wouldn't have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s."

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