I found this fascinating and highly amusing. Pictured below is the rotating billboard advertisement for a podiatrist in Los Angeles. Long story short, locals hold that if this happy foot is facing you as you drive by, you'll have a good day - the sad foot, a bad day. From Homegrown Evolution, via Boing Boing:

Read more here.
The podiatrist's sign above marks the entrance to our neighborhood. It charmed us the first time we saw it: It's a foot -- with feet! And we immediately named it the Happy Foot/Sad Foot sign. Soon we learned that other people called it The Happy Foot/Sad Foot Sign as well. The name seemed predestined and universally applied, and it was recognizable enough that we could pinpoint our location off of Sunset Blvd. by saying, "You know the Happy Foot/Sad Foot sign?"The Foot rotates slowly, unless it's broken, which it often is of late. But when it's rotating, you are always tempted to check out which side is facing you when you first come into sight of it. A happy, smiling foot is portends a good day, or at least a general thumbs up from the universe. We've always thought so, and come to find out, many other people also practice this form of primitive divination.

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