Image by michaelhenley via Flickr
Many zombie aficionados, furthermore, have observed the similarities between the zombie viruses of the silver screen and real-world afflictions like rabies. National Geographic examines these similarities, and like many others, asks, "what if?":
Read on here.Though dead humans can't come back to life, certain viruses can induce such aggressive, zombie-like behavior, scientists say in the new National Geographic Channel documentary The Truth Behind Zombies.
For instance, rabies--a viral disease that infects the central nervous system--can drive people to be violently mad, according to Samita Andreansky, a virologist at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine in Florida who also appears in the documentary.
Combine rabies with the ability of a flu virus to spread quickly through the air, and you might have the makings of a zombie apocalypse.

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