The world's most unusual dining experience

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If you're interested in a unique dining experience, look no farther than, dinnerinthesky.jpgwhich is more or less exactly what it sounds like: patrons dine on a platform suspended 50 meters (that's 164 feet, for those of you unfamiliar with the metric system) in the air. For comparison, that's almost equal to the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa or Niagara Falls (.91 Pisas and .98 Niagaras, too be exact; also, incidentally, the exact length of an Olympic-sized swimming pool).

According to the website,

Dinner in the Sky is available for a session of 8 hours. It can be divided or personalised according to the client's wishes.

Dinner in the Sky accomodates 22 people around the table at every session with three staff in the middle (chef, waiter, entertainer...). Just to give you an example: this means that, at a rate of 2 sessions per hour, more than 350 people could have access to this exceptional platform, or only 22 if you want an exclusive VIP event.

Dinner in the Sky is an event that can be held anywhere (golf course, public place, race track, castle, vineyard, historical site...) as long as there is a surface of approximately 500 m² that can be secured. Of course, authorisation by the owner is required.

Of course, it's pricey - $289.00 per person in the United States. Other services offered include "Meeting in the Sky," "Showbiz in the Sky," and - my favorite - "Wedding in the Sky."

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This page contains a single entry by Richard published on September 13, 2010 5:03 PM.

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