Straight from the Beeb:

You can read the original article in its entirety here.

A family in Worcestershire were trapped inside their house for two hours after a scary, staring badger left them too frightened to leave.This sounds a bit silly, but I think it's understandable. Badgers are well known for their intimidating stares; this is related, in part, to the etymology of the term "badger" (as in, "to harass or urge persistently; pester; nag"). Note, of course, that common synonyms for "badger" include "vex," "bedevil," "plague," "worry," "disturb," and "bait," all words that this story brings to mind.
Dad Michael Youngs tried to scare the badger away by banging a spade on the ground, but it didn't move.Mr Youngs told a newspaper: "The badger was very spooky.
"It was the stare that really gave me the creeps," he added.
You can read the original article in its entirety here.

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