Gigantic spiderwebs discovered in Madagascar

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spiderweb.jpgA newly-discovered species of spider, found in Madagascar, apparently spins the world's largest webs - they span more than 25  meters, or 82 feet (80 percent of the length of an average-sized blue whale!). From the BBC:

The spider also makes the largest orb web yet found for any spider, and constructs it out of the most tough biomaterial yet known, say scientists.

Darwin's bark spider, a species new to science, weaves its huge web over flowing rivers, stretching from bank to bank.

It is so big that it can catch 30 or more prey insects at any one time.

Darwin's bark spider weaves what experts call an orb web, the most familiar spider web design

But this web is unusual as it is the largest orb web yet known to be made by any living spider, with the largest web measuring 2.8m².

You can read and see more here.

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