... resembles something out of Mordor. Take a look at this absolutely stunning photograph of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano taken by photographer Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson:

You can see more here. In the meantime, planes are still grounded across Europe, and the British Royal Navy is contemplating a reenactment of Dunkirk to "rescue" the hundreds of thousands of Britons stranded on the continent.
Additional photographs from a different source can be found here. They are equally stunning. These photographs bring to mind words like "apocalyptic." For example:

You can see more here. In the meantime, planes are still grounded across Europe, and the British Royal Navy is contemplating a reenactment of Dunkirk to "rescue" the hundreds of thousands of Britons stranded on the continent.
Additional photographs from a different source can be found here. They are equally stunning. These photographs bring to mind words like "apocalyptic." For example:

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