USA Today's top story reports:
More than two-thirds in a nationwide poll taken for the study said Americans "should be ashamed of the way elected officials acted" during the recent health care debate. Half said the tone of politics has declined since President Obama was elected; just 10% said it has improved.Those surveyed were split over whether it was more important for a politician to be willing to stand firm in support of principles or be able to compromise to get things done.
When asked about seven specific issues, however, solid majorities said elected officials should find compromise solutions on all but one of them, abortion. About two-thirds thought compromises should be found on immigration and climate change legislation, two of the most contentious issues now being debated.
There were significant differences by ideology, however. Liberals by 59%-36% favored the ability to compromise. Conservatives' views were a reverse of that: By 60%-34%, they preferred a willingness to stand firm.
The telephone survey of 1,000 people, taken by Zogby International March 24-29, has a margin of error of +/-- 3.2 percentage points.
I find it particularly striking that liberals are significantly more likely to seek compromise than conservatives. You can read more here.

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