Image by orvaratli via Flickr
They say the iceberg, which is 78km long and up to 39km wide, could have consequences for the area's colonies of emperor penguins.
The calving of the iceberg, which has an estimated mass of 700-800bn tonnes, has changed the shape of the local geography, Dr Young explained.
...He added that the new iceberg had shortened the length of the Mertz Glacier Tongue, which could result in pack ice entering the area and disrupting the polynia.
"That means that the bottom water production rate... will decrease.
"The bottom water spills over the continental shelf, flows down the continental slope into the deep ocean."
This process helps drive the "conveyor belt" of currents in the Southern, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Any disruption to the net flow of bottom water could result in a weakening in the deep ocean circulation system, which plays a key role in the global climate system.

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