Ruth Flowers is certainly not your typical grandmother. At 69, Flowers is a real phenomenon and the latest sensation on the European nightclub scene.
69-year-old Ruth Flowers is a big deal on the European nightclub scene.Wearing large black sunglasses (a fashion statement, there is nothing wrong with her eyesight), flashy clothes, bling jewelry, fake diamond-incrusted DJ headphones on her white hair, the British granny makes crowds go wild, spinning records behind the decks of the most prestigious nightclubs in Paris, Cannes and other European cities.
DJ Ruth Flowers, a.k.a Mamy Rock, began her new career when, four years ago, she attended her grandson's birthday party. "Kids don't play games anymore. They have discos after they eat," she told ABC News.
You can see some YouTube clips of her below. She does indeed rock.

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