Boing Boing has put together an interesting little list of some literary things:
- Publishing Food #2 - Edible Geography looks at miniature cookbooks and chocolate letters and robotic food chefs.
- Fore-Edge book painting comes in classic and modern forms
- Brian Dettmer's book art
- American Woodworker shows people how to make a Lumber Library to show off fancy woods. Another Wood Book.
- Typo of the Day for Librarians - a compilation of common library catalog typos.
- The International Edible Books festival album pages always make me hungry, for words and snacks
- A few more library mash-ups from an old MetaFilter post. And BibliOdyssey is always good for more biblioporn.In memory of Steve Cisler, Apple's digital librarian and all-around awesome guy.
There's more here.

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