... Let's hope Mother Nature didn't have any traffic cops in the area. Yesterday, we mentioned that the Brookhaven National Laboratory had managed, under experimental conditions, to create temperatures of up to 4 trillion degrees Celsius. Apparently, in doing so they "briefly distorted the laws of physics":
physicists have been accelerating gold nuclei around a 2.4-mile underground ring to 99.995 percent of the speed of light and then colliding them in an effort to melt protons and neutrons and free their constituents -- quarks and gluons. The goal has been a state of matter called a quark-gluon plasma, which theorists believe existed when the universe was only a microsecond old.The departure from normal physics manifested itself in the apparent ability of the briefly freed quarks to tell right from left. That breaks one of the fundamental laws of nature, known as parity, which requires that the laws of physics remain unchanged if we view nature in a mirror.
See more here!

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