Here's another brief roundup. I promise that soon I'll write some legitimate entries! For now, though, check out the following:
- The Introvert's Corner - a blog about introversion. Tagline: "How to live a quiet life in a noisy world."
- Exploded views of everyday objects - ever wondered about the inside of an Etch-a-sketch? Check it out. Among other things.
- Man creates vacuum-cleaner powered Spiderman device with which to climb walls
- (Unemployed) man (from my neighborhood) creates decked-out igloo with which to escape the harsh realities of the economy
- The interesting relationship between hallucinations and math (it's not just the boredom that does it, apparently)
- Scientists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, via high-speed collisions, cause a mixture to reach the temperature of 4 trillion degrees Celsius.

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