Are you, like me, tired of the New York Times Best-seller lists? Are you at a loss for reading material, and perhaps looking for books that are less mainstream, maybe off the beaten path? Stephen K. Baum, PhD, of Texas A&M University, has compiled an expansive, annotated list of interesting lesser-known literature. The list itself spans more than 300 pages, and includes a helpful sub-list of other lists of lesser-known books, too (my favorite of these are the 50 Essential Alternative Horror Books, the Guide to 20th Century Experimental Literature, and The Invisible Library - a list of fictional books that appear within other books).
Baum's list, in his words, is composed of books from the "general category of unusual literature, for which the best definition I can come up with
at the moment is: stuff I like that's a little or a lot different than most of the stuff you'll
find down at the local Books'R'Us".
At any rate, if you're searching for something to read, check out the list here - it alone will take you a few days to get through.

Have a very happy new year :)
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